on keydown global WhichBug, TxtCursor set tensdigit to 21 + ((WhichBug -1) * 2) --GJI ADDED set onesdigit to 22 + ((WhichBug -1) * 2) --GJI added if (the key = return) or (the key = enter) then if (char 2 of field "changer") = "" then -- get rid of cursor in ones digit set the visible of sprite onesdigit to false set the castnum of sprite onesdigit to the number of cast "tens" set TxtCursor to 0 -- no cursor end if checkit else if the key = BACKSPACE then set monkey = field "changer" if the number of chars in monkey > 1 then set monkey = char 1 to (the number of chars in monkey -1) of monkey set the text of cast "changer" = monkey else set the text of cast "changer" = "" end if else if the number of chars in field "changer" < 2 then --GJI Changed 3 to 2 if (the key >="0") and (the key <= "9") then put (field "changer" & the key) into field "changer" end if end if set holdchar1 to (char 1 of field "changer") set holdchar2 to (char 2 of field "changer") if holdchar1 = "" then set the visible of sprite onesdigit to false set the castnum of sprite tensdigit to the number of cast "tens" set TxtCursor to tensdigit updatestage set the visible of sprite tensdigit to true else --there must be a digit in the tens place so show it set the castnum of sprite tensdigit = Â the number of cast ("digit" & holdchar1) updatestage set the visible of sprite tensdigit to true if holdchar2 = "" then set the castnum of sprite onesdigit to the number of cast "tens" updatestage set Txtcursor to onesdigit set the visible of sprite onesdigit to true else set the castnum of sprite onesdigit = Â the number of cast ("digit" & holdchar2) set TxtCursor to 0 -- no cursor updatestage set the visible of sprite onesdigit to true end if end if -- stuff above added end if end